Quit playing Russian Roulette with your revenue.
Refactor your people, process, and technology to trigger hypergrowth.

Sales is broken. Shocking statistics confirm! Reps cost 75K per head… And only make 4.4 qualified contacts per day. It takes 10.6 touches to set a meeting. 80% miss quota. Reps churn in 1.4 years. Only 36% time spent selling. 70% of what a seller does can be automated. So what's the ROI of choosing "human?" [[source: Bridge Group, Revenue Collective, Ken Krogue]]

To succeed in the new sociotechnical era that is unfolding as

technologies merge with each other and humans merge with

technology, we need have not just good IQ and EQ, but TQ—technology

quotient—that is, the capacity to use technology in a productive as

well as responsible manner. Our sense of self depends on it.

Find out more

The world’s first ever book on
Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Featuring hundreds of interviews with top Revenue Operation leaders, deep dives with the bots into the
mystical realm of superhuman scaling and hyper-growth leveraging tech stacks toward the Singularity


Scale your TQ to Superhuman Levels

The world’s first-ever book on Revenue Operations (RevOps), a thrill ride on the light beam to dramatically increase your revenue results. TPS will empower you to select, purchase, optimize and integrate the top tech stacks ever invented. Do you have a team of 5+ reps? Imagine the output of a 100 SDR army. You can become Iron Man with your Jarvis Suit. Make history with paradigm shattering sales techniques.

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Frontline intel


Superhuman revenue systems
to unlock your inner cyborg.

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TQ Syndicate

On Salesborgs we make room for radicals. Salesborgs is your haven for the leading minds in Revenue
Operations who understand the DNA of blitzscaling and hypergrowth.

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Trusted voices, allies, and changemakers of the RevOps RESISTANCE.


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You are officially on the TQ Test VIP wait list. You are now a part of B2B sales history, the world's first only Rev TQ Test, built by the top RevOps minds in the world, graded by the TQ Syndicate. On May 24 we will email you so you can test your RevOps knowledge by taking the test. Need to study? Get the book, "Tech-Powered Sales" coming June 29th everywhere books are sold. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning! – BORG